Episode 3

I Can't Depend on Nobody - Lord!

In this episode of Bring Jesus to the Table, Christina explores the common experience of depending on others and facing disappointment when they fall short. Drawing inspiration from Psalms 118:8 and Proverbs 3:5-6, she emphasizes the importance of trusting in the Lord rather than relying on human capabilities.

Chapter Summaries;

00:25 Introduction: The Struggle of Dependability

01:16 Reading Psalms 118 and 8: Trust in the Lord

02:29 Personal Experiences: Disappointments and Promises

05:38 Reading Proverbs 3, 5 through 6: Trust in God

08:05 Dependability in Relationships: A Personal Story

10:52 Dependability in Health and Daily Life

11:31 The Grace Assignment: A Practical Exercise

12:28 Closing Prayer: Seeking Guidance

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Christina McCaleb: How many times have you depended on someone to do what you needed them to do, and they didn't come through? More than you can count, I'm sure. They swear up and down they got [00:00:36] you, but then at the last minute, right when you were expecting, that person falls through. Now you're pissed off, you're disappointed, and then what do you say?

ving end of the situation as [:

So let's get into it. We're going to start off with reading Psalms 118 and 8. I'm going to read both the New King James Version and the message. Okay, New King James says, It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. Self explanatory. And then this is what the message says. Push to the wall.

matic. Pushed to the wall, I [:

Far better to take refuge in God than trust in people. Far better to take refuge in God than trust in celebrities. Alright, that was a little deeper than the King James Version, but you get the point. Trust in Him. We cannot trust in ourselves nor other people. We fail [00:02:24] ourselves sometimes, because I know I do.

Procrastination runs very strong in my blood over here. So After reading that scripture, it made me think about who do I put my confidence in the most? I used to put my confidence in my parents, you know, they, I trusted them for everything. They raised me, but I do recall some disappointments in my day. My dad worked all the time.

mer. Well, this was a couple [:

They asked him if he could work, and he said yes. So he's going to work, but he's going to make it up to y'all. Now, did he? Okay. I think he did, but sometimes it was just disappointing, disappointing. And then my mama told me, [00:03:36] if you make a 4. 0 this, cause I was always shy of a 4. 0. If you make a 4. 0, I'm gonna get you a limo and you can have your friends and I'm gonna take y'all for a ride in the city.

I bet I worked hard that whole semester to get that 4. 0. To this day, I never got that limo ride. And now she don't even remember she told me that. So now I'm even more disappointed because she made me a promise that I know she did and she don't even remember it. But I'm gonna make her, I'm gonna make her hold her promise.

e days she going in the limo [:

If I cannot do it, I'm gonna say, Hey, we'll see. Just come back to me. Ask me later. I don't know. But if I said I was gonna do it. I'm going to do it. And I do it. So I asked [00:04:48] him, I asked him, I said, Don, now do, don't I always follow through on what I say? Don't I always come through? And he said, 90 percent this little dude told me I was striving for a hundred.

didn't do it. So we'll see, [:

All right. So let's get into our next scripture, which is going to be. Proverbs 3, 5 through 6. Alright, so Proverbs 3, 5 through 6. I'm going to read the New King James Version first. And then we're going to get into the dramatic message. Trust in the [00:06:00] Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path. And then the message says, Trust God from the bottom of your heart. Don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen to God's voice in everything you do. Everywhere you go. He's the one who will keep you on track. Don't assume that you know it all.

Okay. Don't assume you know [:

Lord, I need to get this done. Who can I trust? to get this done. Who can you send me or send me somebody that I can depend on to help me with this task or help me [00:07:12] to do it myself. You know what I'm saying? Like, how can I make a way for this to be done? Or Lord, can you let your will be done with this so that I can get this task done and it make it easier for me to do this or that?

depend on anybody truly, but [:

Go to Him for guidance to see who you should choose to give that task to. Because there's a high Chance that you're going to be disappointed if you do it yourself continuously. Now it's okay to depend on, you know, like, like with my husband, I depend on him and I know he depends on me and I try my best to just be that perfect wife that I don't know how to be after one year, three months and some days, but I do my best and I'm sure he's doing his best [00:08:24] too.


It's not like complete sentences and most of it, but this is what it says. Husband woke up choking, coughing. I immediately got up to [00:09:00] get him water. He was vomiting. He came back to bed. As I stayed up to monitor him, I became super congested and couldn't breathe through my nose. I sat up to blow my nose, and I used some vapor rub, but nothing worked.

because I was sleeping just [:

He wasn't there for me like I was there for him.

ng deeper in my relationship [:

He would have been hearing dishes, clank, clank, clank, you know, at, at one 32 o'clock in the morning, it would have been the silent treatment for a little bit attitude the next day. Oh man, I would have gave him the business, but I had peace and I had a better understanding to know that he's human. And what I did for him, and I felt like, you know, I was there for him more than he was there for me, but that was coming from the bottom of my heart.

's not really coming from my [:

But what happens when plans are made and my body tells me I'm sick? Then I can't do it, right? So did I just disappoint myself? I mean, what can I do? We can't even depend on ourselves Do you get mad at yourself when you can't deliver? So why get [00:11:24] upset at others when they are built to fail? Even the most dependable people fail.

a habit of showing grace to [:

When we never deserve it. So who are we to say, no one else deserves grace, but me. Okay. So let's, let's try to form this habit, but we're going to start in baby steps with Q tips.

Let's, let's see what we can do with that. And let me know how it worked out for you. I'll let y'all know how it worked out for me.

ng me along the right paths. [:

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Bring Jesus To The Table

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Christina Howard

Meet Christina McCaleb; a Michigander transplanted in Texas, a new wife and the mom of a teenager. Even with extreme ADHD, Christina appears to manage family and work-life effortlessly.

When she's not working, Christina enjoys traveling within and out of the country with family and friends. Because her son, Donovan, is highly active in basketball and marching band, traveling is minimal to support him.

Get to know Christina and join her as she takes you on her fun and relatable journey with her newfound relationship with Jesus.